Aragon Bio

This cartridge (Patent No. 2287356 dd. 30.06.2015) combines several water treatment methods: mechanical; ion exchange, adsorption; electric adsorption.

Test results of Aragon Bio material in Russia and USA on real hepatitis A virus, noroviruses, rotaviruses and MS2 virus model showed their complete removal up to concentration of 108 pc/ml.

Test results of noroviruses and rotaviruses removal by Aragon Bio cartridge:

L'Institut Pasteur

The Aragon BIO Ability to Retain Viruses and
Bacteria Tested & Confirmed by L’Institut Pasteur

Legionella 99.99987%
Salmonella Typhimurium 99.998%
Poliovirus 99.84%
Rotavirus 99.99%
Hepatitus A virus 96%

The pore size of Aragon Bio cartridge is 0,5 mkm, while the sizes of viruses are about 30–40 nm, i.e. 15 times smaller. If there were no interaction between pores of the material and viruses, then, due to its insignificant size, they would go through pores as easy as insects fly through the window. However, as it was determined, the Aragon pores have an intense surface charge, opposite in sign to the viruses’ one. This implies that electric interaction that occurs between Aragon material and viruses is similar to interaction of opposite charges.

Aragon BioThe Aragon material has such a structure that the average size of the pore is about 0,5 mkm. Hence the electrical field from globule completely overlaps the internal volume of the pore. Due to the combining of fields of separate globules an electrical field with high tension is formed within the pore. Let us take standard Aragon cartridge as an example. The thickness of its filtering layer is 30 mm. To cross this barrier the virus must pass a twisted chain of about 40 000 charged pores. Who of us haven’t licked the battery to check whether it’s fresh or not. Or haven’t accidentally touched bare wire? Likewise the viruses, coming through the pores, receive electrical discharges, but 1000 more powerful, that eventually leads to destruction of viral envelope and inactivation of virus itself.

The capacity of Aragon Bio globule for electric interaction is defined by zeta potential. This potential was measured and appeared to be 45 mV, which is much higher than zeta-potential of common spectrum related cation-exchange materials (5mV).

It has been determined that zeta potential of Aragon Bio globules decreases as the size of the pores increases. Efficiency of decontamination of viruses has similar behavior. That is why for guaranteed decontamination of viruses and bacteria Aragon cartridges are manufactured with strictly specified porosity not exceeding 0,5 mkm.

Aragon material structure Globule electrical field
Aragon material structure Globule electrical field

Test results of measuring of Aragon Bio zeta potential depending on its porosity:

p-Aragon Bio zeta potential (mV)) Purification efficiency pc/l

Difference of Aragon Bio from Aragon and Aragon 2

  1. Monodisperse distribution of pores (0,5 mkm). To achieve required pore size at production of filtering material Monocondensing patented technology is used, ensuring effective water treatment through the whole volume of filtering material within all operation life.
  2. Reduced globule size (up to 5 mkm) This allows increasing zeta-potential of Aragon Bio filtering material by means of increasing of inner absorption surface.
  3. Biocidal material composition.
  4. Metallic silver is applied on the inner surface of the pore.
  5. Total quality control of every cartridge at manufacturing.